Friday, June 7, 2024

Articles Needed: In Memoriam: The Orc Lord

Orc Lord
Work on Issue 11 is ready to begin, now that we're approaching the finish line for the 13th Age Glorantha book, Red Moon and Warring Kingdoms. With the Dragon Empire now devoid of its slayer of the Wizard King, it's time to celebrate the life of the Orc Lord and all things orc.

Interested in submitting an article? Here are some suggestions that might spark your imagination.

  • 13 ways the Dragon Empire was impacted by the death of the Orc Lord.
  • How to use orcs in your game, now that the Orc Lord is gone.
  • Orc kin for 13th Age 2nd Edition with explanation of just how, exactly, an orc can work as a player character in the Dragon Empire.
  • Orc-inspired or anti-orc feats, talents, or powers.
  • Random tables to customize orcs that a party encounters.
  • Orcish magic items for 13th Age 2nd Edition.
  • 13 origin stories of the orcs of the Dragon Empire.

Take a look at the link at the top right corner of the page for submission guidelines and contact information. I look forward to our memorial of the life of the Orc Lord!

Artists: Aaron McConnell and Lee Moyer.