Monday, May 24, 2021

Articles Needed: Pirates and Nautical Fantasy

Swashbuckling Adventurer
We tried something new for the upcoming issue's theme, and ran a poll. By scoring three options from 1 to 5, our fans voted for "Pirates and Nautical Fantasy" with 138 total points. The runners up were "Modern or Near Future Fantasy" with 114 points and "Fantasy Robots and Power Armor" with 108 points. So it was pretty close, but we have our winner for Issue 10!

I wanted to share some of the ideas for other issues (or perhaps standalone articles) that were submitted with the survey responses. We're always looking for interesting articles, and don't require all articles in an issue to be strictly related to the theme. If you're interested in fleshing out one of these ideas, please drop us an email with your idea.

  • The overworld (two suggestions for this one)
  • Environmental hazards and how to take advantage of them
  • Apocalypses
  • Areas of the Dragon Empire
  • More adventures
  • Variations on mechanics, such as icon advantages, uses of the escalation die, backgrounds, and failing forward
  • Beyond the Dragon Empire
  • Using 13th Age to run a game in Mythic Europe
We'll add some of these to our queue of issue theme ideas. Perhaps you'll see them in future polls!

If you're looking for ideas for an article, here are some thoughts that we had. You aren't limited to these suggestions, of course.
  • PC options – What themes, feats, races, or even completely new classes fit in a campaign dominated by pirates or underwater adventure?
  • Nautical combat – How can you model ship-to-ship combat in a simple way that still feels like 13th Age?
  • The Iron Sea – The Iron Sea is inhospitable to say the least. What lies beneath its surface? How have brave adventurers managed to brave the tsunamis and giant monsters, and what's valuable enough for them to risk their lives?
  • The Strangling Sea – How would you extend or enhance the Strangling Sea adventure?
  • Adventure! – Whether it's exploring the islands of the Midland Sea or diving beneath the surface of the Iron Sea, there are endless opportunities for nautical adventures.
  • Monsters – Can you ever have enough aquatic monsters for your game?
  • Treasure – Pirates love their booty. What items are worth the risk of diving beneath the waves or facing the ships that sail atop the seas?
Whether you're submitting an idea for a nautical article or one of the other ideas shared by the community, you can find submission guidelines and our email address at the top right side of the page. I look forward to seeing the community's take on the Midland Sea, the Iron Sea, and beyond!