Sunday, July 22, 2018

Pre-Gens by Sarah Miller and Ben Roby

In 2013 and 2014, Sarah Miller and Ben Roby created pre-gen characters for the Tales of the 13th Age organized play adventures.  They were kind enough to share these beautifully made character sheets via their 13th Age Tale Spinners blog, and Pelgrane Press even linked to them from the 13th Age Downloads and Resources page.  These character sheets have been unavailable for the past couple years, but they're now available once more for your enjoyment.  Download them all at the Vault of the 13th Age.

As a special treat, Character Sheets 6.0 through 8.0 were never shared on their blog, so this is the first opportunity for the general public to download these level 4 and level 6 pre-gens.

Here's a list of what you can find in each file.  Please note that Character Sheets 6.0 aren't available without background images.
  • Pre-Generated Character Sheets 1.0 – Level 2 characters for Crown of the Lich King
  • Pre-Generated Character Sheets 2.0 – Level 2 characters for Wyrd of the Wild Wood
  • Pre-Generated Character Sheets 3.0 – Level 2 characters for Quest in the Cathedral
  • Pre-Generated Character Sheets 4.0 – Level 2 characters for Shadow Port Shuffle
  • Pre-Generated Character Sheets 5.0 – Level 4 characters for Wrath of the Orc Lord (leveled-up versions of Character Sheets 3.0)
  • Pre-Generated Character Sheets 6.0 – Level 4 characters (leveled-up versions of Character Sheets 2.0)
  • Pre-Generated Character Sheets 7.0 – Level 4 characters, including 13 True Way classes (leveled-up versions of Character Sheets 4.0)
  • Pre-Generated Character Sheets 8.0 – Level 6 characters, including 13 True Way classes (leveled-up versions of Character Sheets 1.0)

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